Saturday, February 9, 2013


Back aboard El Tiburon.  Deep Sigh.  Good to be Home. 

Our timing was perfect, Carnaval had just begun! A multitude of colors, foods, rides, floats, and lots of dancing girls. Big happy crowds of families with giggling ninos enjoying a Saturday afternoon with the winter green hills of Ensenada as the backdrop.

The crowds are just starting to arrive.
Balloon man still has lots of cartoon balloons to sell.

I wanted the octopus.

Everyone loves to put on the dog, especially the chihuahuas. This trio was one of the biggest attractions before the parade started. The rides ran a close second. Small ninos stayed with the stay-on-the-ground-cars, while the older kids and adults lined up for a bigger thrill. YUCK, my stomach turns upside-down just watching. 

Putting on the Dog
Chihuahua Glamour Chic
Can you see the teeny tiny legs dangle precariously over the crowd?
The Kiddie Kars were much more my speed.
Better yet, trying to catch a rubber duckie suited me the best.

Did I mention food? Holy Cow! 
Such a variety of choices, and all psychedelically colorful. First, choose from al pastor, bacon wrapped hot dogs, or maybe artisan cheeses?  There were booths offering fresh baked breads, carts with grilled corn, and wheelbarrows chalked full of roasted nuts. The carved fruit arrangements look as good as they taste. Mangos, watermelon, coconut, papaya, some with chili seasonings and some with sugar. If it’s sugar you want, just go straight to the candy cart, or head over to the fellow spinning up blue and pink cotton candy. Our preferred decadence is flan. 
We love Flan. Thick dense syrupy F L A N. 
If you are thirsty there is no shortage of flowing Tecate served with limes and chili pepper or try the delicious tropical fruit drinks.

Al Pastor - marinated pork sliced, then grilled. OH MY.
Bacon wrapped hot dogs (Perro Caliente con Tocino) 
grilled with chilis. Woof!
An array of artisan cheeses.

And now, a little dulce for dessert?
Blue Spun SUGAR!
Healthy Choices
Bouquets of strawberries, papaya, pineapple, watermelon, 
and coconut with a bit of whipped cream.
Our personal favorite.....F L A N !

One day I will try the mangos on a stick with sugared chili pepper.

Makes you thirsty, yes? 
Translation: "It's Easy to be a man, for you!"

Darrell wanted a cowboy hat to take back to Graeagle (next will come shit-kickers). He decided on a white straw hat for the summer months. I chose a hot pink sombero. Carnaval is all about foolishness.

 How about this one, honey?
Darrell thinks his new cowboy hat helps him blend in with the Mariachis.
 Just plain RIDICULOUS!
The girl selling corn was obviously NOT impressed.
Silly Gringa.
Better have a bit more FLAN before the parade starts.

Floats with dancing girls to follow.....Stay Tuned.